Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 1/2011

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Zeitschrift für internationale Landwirtschaft
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Inhalt der Ausgabe: Vol 50. (2011), No. 1

Agricultural Policy Processes, a Challenge for Africa's Development
Michael Brüntrup, Bonn, Germany, and Franz Heidhues, Stuttgart, Germany

Fundamentals of African Agriculture
Theo Rauch, Berlin, Germany

The Political Economy of Agricultural Policies in Africa: History, Analytical Concepts and Implications for Development Cooperation
Heike Hoeffler, Leipzig, Germany

Lessons from Structural Adjustment Programmes and their Effects in Africa
Franz Heidhues, Stuttgart, Germany, and Gideon Obare, Egerton, Kenya

Actual and Potential Roles of Local NGOs in Agricultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sabine Brüntrup-Seidemann, Bonn, Germany

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) – An Assessment of a Pan-African Attempt to Revitalise Agriculture -
Michael Brüntrup, Bonn, Germany


"Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture" is an international platform for research on agricultural development, politics and economics in international agriculture. All aspects of agriculture are addressed: policy, income and technologies, agribusiness, the food chain, food supply and demand, resource protection and management, as well as rural development. It appears 4 times a year. http://www.agrar.hu-berlin.de/struktur/institute/wisola/publ/qjia.


Mehr Informationen
Herausgeber Joachim von Braun, Dr. Franz Heidhues, Dieter Elz, Dieter Kirschke
Verlag DLG-Verlag
Lieferzeit Sofort verfügbar
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