Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 4/2010

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Zeitschrift für internationale Landwirtschaft
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Inhalt der Ausgabe: Vol 49. (2010), No. 4

Semi-Subsistence Farming, Farm Income and Social Capital in Bulgaria – Is there a Link?
Axel Wolz and Jana Fritzsch (Germany), Nikolai Shterev (Bulgaria), Gertrud Buchenrieder (Germany) and Sergio Gomez y Paloma (Spain)

Determinants of Food Security among Rural Households of Central Ethiopia: An Empirical Analysis
Fekadu Beyene and Mequanent Muche (Ethiopia)

Are Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Farms more Technically Efficient than Communal Farms?
Prosper F. Bangwayo-Skeete (Cayman Islands), Mintewab Bezabih (United Kingdom) and Precious Zikhali (The Netherlands)

Targeting the Poor and Smallholder Farmers – Empirical Evidence from Malawi –
Nazaire Houssou and Manfred Zeller (Germany)

Book reviews
Index Vol. 49 (2010)


"Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture" is an international platform for research on agricultural development, politics and economics in international agriculture. All aspects of agriculture are addressed: policy, income and technologies, agribusiness, the food chain, food supply and demand, resource protection and management, as well as rural development. It appears 4 times a year. http://www.agrar.hu-berlin.de/struktur/institute/wisola/publ/qjia.


Mehr Informationen
Herausgeber Joachim von Braun, Dr. Franz Heidhues, Dieter Elz, Dieter Kirschke
Verlag DLG-Verlag
Lieferzeit Sofort verfügbar
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