Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 4/2014

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Zeitschrift für internationale Landwirtschaft
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Inhalt der Ausgabe: Vol 53. (2014), No. 4

Production Risk, Technology and Market Access in Different Organisational Forms: Evidence from Tatarstan and Oryol Ekaterina Gataulina (Russian Federation),
Heinrich Hockmann (Germany) and Anton Strokov (Russian Federation)

Blessing or Evil? Contract Farming, Smallholder Poultry Production and Household Welfare in Kenya
Priscilla W. Wainaina (Germany), Julius J. Okello (Uganda) and Jonathan M. Nzuma (Kenya)

The ‘Five Million Hectare Reforestation Program’ in Vietnam: An Analysis of its Implementation and Transaction Costs A Case Study in Hoa Binh Province Tran Thi Thu Huong (Germany and Vietnam),
Manfred Zeller (Germany) and Chu Thai Hoanh (Lao PDR)

"Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture" is an international platform for research on agricultural development, politics and economics in international agriculture. All aspects of agriculture are addressed: policy, income and technologies, agribusiness, the food chain, food supply and demand, resource protection and management, as well as rural development. It appears 4 times a year. http://www.agrar.hu-berlin.de/fakultaet/departments/daoe/publ/qjia


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Herausgeber Joachim von Braun, Dr. Franz Heidhues, Dieter Elz, Dieter Kirschke
Verlag DLG-Verlag
Lieferzeit Sofort verfügbar
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