Handbook Digital Farming

ca. 14 Tage
  • First ever handbook on Digital Farming

  • Technological, economic, social and legal perspectives

  • Written for practitioners and researchers/developers alike

117,69 €
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The Handbook Digital Farming sheds light on the technological, economic, social, and legal perspectives of the digital transformation. The authors of the individual chapters explain the state of the art and the development of business models, enabling readers to draw conclusions for their own organizations. They also provide an outlook on trends, and further developments. The handbook provides technological facts from renowned experts and concrete business examples from experienced companies and start-ups. It is aimed at farmers, farm and business managers, decision-makers and developers of digital tools and strategies in the agri-food sector, as well as scientists and students. The handbook provides insights to the discussion of what contribution digital farming can make to the implementation of Green Deal, Farm to Fork and the new Common Agricultural Policy.

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ISBN-Nr. 978-3-662-64377-8
Autor/en Jörg Dörr, Matthias Nachtmann
Umfang 404 pages
Auflage 2022
Typ Hardcover
Verlag Springer Berlin
Sprache Englisch
Lieferzeit ca. 14 Tage
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